
Customer stories

Blue Cross of Idaho

Blue Cross of Idaho enhances member experience with personalized, dynamic content. 好色先生TV? LiveSite? helps health plan provider deliver powerful, targeted online experiences


  • Move from static websites to more personalized, engaging visitor experiences
  • Reduce the complexity of content management and deployment
  • Give business users more ownership and control of content and reduce reliance on IT


  • Accelerated time to market for new and updated content

  • Increased prospective member conversion rates by five percent

  • Freed up IT resources to focus on developing high value applications


Blue Cross of Idaho has been providing health care plans for people across the state of Idaho since 1945. Headquartered in Meridian and with district offices throughout the state, the not-for-profit organization is now the largest health benefit plan provider in the state with 800,000 members.

A doctor using a tablet.

By moving IT away from controlling the whole site, we have been able to free up resources from site maintenance and delivery to focus on application development. Empowering the business has been significant for our IT department.

Scott Sparkman
IT Manager, Blue Cross of Idaho

More than 1,000 staff members provide plans for companies of all sizes as well as individuals. Its health care providers range from smaller doctors’ offices to larger medical facilities.

To deliver an optimal visitor experience for members of corporate plans, Blue Cross of Idaho needed to customize and target the content on its member website. Blue Cross of Idaho has designated websites for individual, corporate and prospective members, its health care providers and its brokers. Full of static content, its five sites needed to be reinvigorated. “We wanted to give our visitors the best experience possible on our websites,” says Anthony Noriega, Web Marketing specialist at Blue Cross of Idaho. “We didn’t want to just offer companies an outof-the-box template that didn’t have any flexibility.”

Handing ownership back to the business

Scott Sparkman, IT manager at Blue Cross of Idaho, explains why IT wanted to give business users the ability to support and maintain their own content. “The business and corporate communications teams wanted to control content, changes and things that they need without the bottleneck of IT. This would help them better reach their goals.” In the driver’s seat, the business would be able to deliver highly-customized member websites more rapidly.

To reinvigorate its websites and allow the business to take greater ownership of its content, the health plan provider embarked on a project to implement a modern solution for managing and deploying content.


Tight integration with 好色先生TV TeamSite minimizes complexity

After searching the market, Blue Cross of Idaho created a short-list of best-of-breed solutions. The organization elected to add LiveSite to the 好色先生TV™ TeamSite™ implementation it has been using to manage its websites for many years. The tight integration between the two products would minimize complexity and the time required to deploy new websites.

“We chose LiveSite because it was so user friendly,” adds Noriega. “The ability to use the TeamSite interface was a driving factor in our decision. The LiveSite support for SEO optimized content was also important. It ensures header tags are in the correct place, images all have alternate tags and it allows us to create page titles in plain language.”

The organization turned to 好色先生TV partner and TeamSite experts, Klish Group to implement the solution that would optimize content creation, management and deployment. Klish Group also provided training for both business and development staff, including instruction on setting up rules and working with components.

Six business users—all subject matter experts—are now using LiveSite to maintain policies and procedures, as well as apply updates and notifications. “It was easy to get business users over the small learning curve from the old platform to the new one,” says Noriega.

LiveSite allows us to highlight how their employees—our members—can have a customized experience dedicated to them.

Anthony Noriega
Web Marketing Specialist, Blue Cross of Idaho

Brand new portal delivered within months

The first website built on TeamSite in combination with LiveSite, a brand new shopper portal aimed at prospective members, took less than eight months to develop and deploy. It displays all of Blue Cross of Idaho’s health insurance plans and services, and allows prospective members to purchase plans.

Blue Cross of Idaho launched its second site, which is for members, just six months later. It provides members with the tools they need to create an account, view all relevant information about their policy, such as benefits and claims. As well as self-service features for making informed health care choices. It also includes tools for searching for estimating charges, managing claims and finding a provider.

“We’re delivering a number of large sites,” explains Sparkman. “Our third site will be for our health care providers. It will help them administer claims and check members’ benefits, amongst other things. There are numerous tools to help them simplify their daily tasks.”

Native support for .NET simplifies development

Sites make use of both out-of-the-box components, such as the text component, and custom components. Custom components include a navigation component along with a custom text component that can be tagged based on the company or provider. Some are customized TeamSite and LiveSite components, while others are custom .NET components, built from scratch.

“The LiveSite support for .NET helps our organization immensely because our web developers are Microsoft® developers,” comments Sparkman. “Enabling them to build customized components in a way that they’re used to is a great advantage.”

Rules deliver dynamic content for an optimal experience

Customized and dynamic content incorporates everything from document lists and navigation to content within individual pages.

Dynamic menu options are based on the status of individual members. Customization is driven by the specific content companies need their members to see. Noriega explains the importance of this segmentation, “Some companies have opted out of specific services and with LiveSite we can ensure their members don’t see documents relating to these. Also, if there are any custom documents they want to display, with LiveSite we can display these to only their employees.”

Tight integration with TeamSite simplifies workflows

To deploy the tailored content, the LiveSite display services engine interprets rules and configurations that have been created within TeamSite by the corporate communications, marketing and IT teams.

Tight integration with TeamSite, where pages and content can be created and updated with ease, ensures content follows the approvals workflow.

“Our approvals workflow in TeamSite ensures content is approved by content creators, management approval and corporate communications before it is automatically deployed to the LiveSite run time,” confirms Sparkman.

Furthermore, Blue Cross of Idaho is able to remain compliant with industry regulations that require it to be able to track back through previous versions of its websites. Web versioning capabilities provided by TeamSite allow it to save archived copies of individual assets and entire sites so it can compare, track or roll back any part of any of its websites.


A highly tailored visitor experience in minutes rather than weeks

LiveSite has enabled Blue Cross of Idaho to significantly reduce the time it takes to deliver the custom content required to deliver an engaging visitor experience. As Noriega confirms, “Previously it could take up to a week to code the custom logic into pages. It now takes a little over 10 minutes to build custom right hand navigation. We can deploy it within 15 minutes.” Furthermore, the plan provider can now deploy marketing landing pages within a day. Previously it would have taken days.

With LiveSite, Blue Cross of Idaho can fulfill any specific requests companies have for their websites—a great selling point. “We’re not pigeonholing the companies we serve into an out-of the-box website,” says Noriega. “LiveSite allows us to highlight how their employees—our members—can have a customized experience dedicated to them.”

But it’s not just its member site that is benefitting from the LiveSite implementation. Blue Cross of Idaho’s new, and much improved, shopper site has seen conversion rates increase by more than five percent from its previous shopper site.

Empowered business users accelerate time to market

With full control over content and without the bottleneck of IT, Blue Cross of Idaho’s business and corporate communications users have reduced the time required to deliver the highly-tailored sites promised by the sales team. They can also respond to requests for amendments much more rapidly, delivering a higher level of customer service.

“By moving IT away from controlling the whole site we have been able to free up resources from site maintenance and delivery to focus on application development,” says Sparkman. “Empowering the business has been significant for our IT department.”

In the past it could take up to a week to code the custom logic into pages. With 好色先生TV LiveSite, it now takes a little over 10 minutes. We can deploy it within 15 minutes.

Anthony Noriega
Web Marketing Specialist, Blue Cross of Idaho

Plans for the future

The sites currently optimize search results for visitors, and Noriega plans to utilize advanced search and data analytics to gather information about the different site visitors. “If we understand members’ navigation paths we can tap into their claim history and display targeted content based on their claims data and claims history,” he says.

Noriega also plans to use analytics to improve navigation, eliminating any pain points where visitors have a tendency to get stuck. “The insight will also give us a better understanding of what new tools we need to provide to members or which tools are most popular so we can enhance them,” adds Sparkman.

In the longer term, Noriega envisions using advanced data analytics combined with 好色先生TV™ Explore to provide a comprehensive dashboard of events on all its channels—including the website, call centers and social media.

Blue Cross of Idaho is just beginning its journey with LiveSite. “We are looking to output dynamic content to social media using LiveSite,” says Noriega. “I believe LiveSite has many more capabilities that we can take advantage of as we evolve and enhance our solutions.”

About Blue Cross of Idaho

Blue Cross of Idaho has been providing health care plans for people across the state of Idaho since 1945. Headquartered in Meridian and with district offices throughout the state, the not-for-profit organization is now the largest health benefit plan provider in the state with 800,000 members. More than 1,000 staff members provide plans for companies of all sizes as well as individuals. Its health care providers range from smaller doctors’ offices to larger medical facilities.

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