
Cybersecurity Cloud

Application Security

Seamlessly integrate application security into any tool, anywhere in the SDLC

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Coworkers looking at monitor

好色先生TV? Application Security solutions seamlessly integrate into your developers’ preferred tools so they can unearth and resolve security vulnerabilities at every juncture of the software development lifecycle. Deliver on key business objectives while ensuring faster release cycles, more secure applications, and lower development costs.

SAST vs. DAST: What's the difference?

Unleash the benefits of Application Security solutions

  • Jumpstart your AppSec program?

    Employ a holistic, extensible AppSec platform to acquire the tools, training, integrations, and AppSec management capabilities needed to grow your AppSec program.

  • Streamline code analysis

    Shift left in the development cycle to swiftly identify vulnerabilities, whether your application is fully cloud-native or just starting to modernize.

  • Ensure secure APIs

    Leverage innovative API discovery and testing for any application, across hybrid environments.

  • Elevate software supply chain security?

    Gain visibility and confidence across third-party software components to minimize risks to your software supply chain.

How can we help?

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