
Digital Investigations and Forensics

好色先生TV Tableau Forensic

Digital forensic imaging for law enforcement and corporate investigations


See how to capture digital evidence with Tableau Forensic products

The increasing diversity, size and sophistication of digital media complicates evidence collection. 好色先生TV? Tableau Forensic Imagers, Duplicators and Write Blockers/Bridges help law enforcement, government agencies and corporate investigators quickly and reliably create digital forensic images of suspect devices.

How Tableau Forensic can benefit business

  • Quickly image suspect devices

    Dramatically speed up the data collection phase of investigations.

  • Improve investigative efficiency

    Leverage support for a broad range of devices and harness a variety of features, from triage to acquisition, to help investigators maximize their time.

  • Ensure forensic integrity

    Assist with chain of custody and ensure the authenticity of digital forensic images with products built around NIST standards.

  • Onboard quickly

    Guide investigators through any operation with minimal training through intuitive, user-friendly digital forensic imaging and navigation.

How can we help?

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