
Think outside the box

Smarter, faster sales and service

Spend more time selling and less time searching for customer information with cloud content management software and Salesforce? CRM integration

Sales professional

Integrate your Salesforce CRM to amplify results

Deliver smarter customer information with 好色先生TV and Salesforce

75% or more of midsized enterprise CIOs will experience shrinking budgets in absolute economic terms in 2023.[1] It’s time to think outside the box to make business growth a priority—even with limited resources. Using the power of information plus automation, 好色先生TV? cloud content management software helps you streamline sales and service processes while maintaining—and even increasing—productivity.

Discover best practices from the experts for empowering sales and service teams with a 360-degree customer view using a cloud content management platform and Salesforce? CRM integration.

Get the best practices guide

Seamless Salesforce CRM integration

Achieve results with an end-to-end cloud content management software solution for intelligent, and compliant customer information management.

  • Search icon

    Find insights faster

    Give teams visibility into valuable insights that can help them uncover buying trends, identify new opportunities, compose better RFP responses, and construct better, more lucrative deals with Salesforce CRM integrations that break down information silos.

  • automation icon

    Automate sales processes

    Automate repetitive tasks and incoming communications to deliver efficient customer tracking and service and keep sales teams focused on selling.

  • Teamwork icon

    Nurture customer relationships

    Give sales and service teams a complete 360-degree view using Salesforce CRM integration, enabling them to respond quickly to customer needs, move them through processes with ease, and create positive and consistent customer experiences throughout the entire sales cycle.

  • box with arrows icon

    Think outside the box with CRM integration

    Empower sales and service teams by embracing new ways to work. Enhance existing CRM systems like Salesforce with smarter information, delivered when and where it’s needed. And do it all with the highest security standards and scalability to meet evolving business needs.

Salesforce CRM integrations and cloud content management

Sell faster and smarter by meeting sales and service teams where they’re already working—within their CRM system.

好色先生TV? Core for Salesforce?

Help sales and service teams automate processes, manage business documents and improve productivity by enhancing your Salesforce system with SaaS-based content management capabilities.

Enhance your Salesforce CRM

好色先生TV? Core Capture for Salesforce?

Automate document capture, recognition, classification and information processing. With deep Salesforce CRM integration, organizations can accelerate digital transformation and boost team productivity for superior customer experiences.

Harness intelligent document recognition

FasTrak Implementation for Core Content

Quickly realize the value of Core for Salesforce with expert 好色先生TV help implementing, enabling staff, and supporting go-live.

Speed time to value

Explore how Salesforce CRM integrations deliver value

Learn more about empowering smarter sales and service teams with Salesforce CRM integration and SaaS content management.

Take a tour

Explore an interactive tour of use cases that demonstrate how integrating content with business processes can simplify daily work.

Watch a demo

Watch a demonstration of advanced document management capabilities integrated directly within Salesforce that helps organizations accelerate workflows, simplify collaboration and boost customer satisfaction.

Get the checklist

Discover five ways to improve sales and service processes with better content management.

How can we help?



  1. [1] Gartner?, CIO and Technology Executive Agenda: A Midsize Enterprise Perspective, Mark Fabbi, Joseph Provenza, 9 January 2023.

  2. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.