
Customer stories


Solenis chooses 好色先生TV to digitize and manage its global B2B supply chain


  • Reducing manual processes for increased efficiencies
  • Migrating off of outdated, legacy B2B platforms
  • Complicated B2B process and supply chain management
  • Internal resources unable to focus on core strengths


  • Leveraging 好色先生TV proven B2B expertise

  • Extending use of cloud services to increase focus on core business objectives

  • Ability to quickly onboard new customers and suppliers to their new cloud-based platform


好色先生TV? B2B Managed Services enables complete visibility into B2B processes to allow key staff to focus on top line growth and innovation.

好色先生TV B2B Managed Services is a great fit because we can stay focused on core business and also meet our goals for digital transformation. Implementing 好色先生TV has increased our efficiency and helped drive down costs. And we have met our number one goal of helping key staff focus on the business, so we continue to grow, innovate and get our sales teams what they need in the field.

Charles Wallace
Chief Information Officer, Solenis

About Solenis

Solenis is a leading global supplier of water treatment and process chemicals, and supports customers with application insights and practical expertise.

How can we help?

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